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Awards and Accreditations
Awards And Certifications

Good Employer Charter 2024

The Agency has been recognized by the Labor Department as a signatory of the "Good Employer Charter" for three consecutive terms and awarded the premium charter logo in recognition of our continuous efforts to implement good human resource management practices, and committed to being an employee-oriented employer.
We have also awarded the "Supportive Family-friendly Good Employer", accredited as creating a family-friendly workplace through implementing family-friendly employment practices to help relieve employees from work stress and the pressure of taking care of their families.
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2023 Hong Kong Volunteer Award

We are honored to receive the "2023 Hong Kong Volunteer Award" jointly presented by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service, in recognition the contribution and achievement in voluntary work by Waiji.

Good MPF Employer Award 5 year+ and MPF Support Award

We are honoured to receive the "Good MPF Employer 5 Years Plus" award from the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority in recognition of our participation in the MPF Scheme for 5 consecutive years, fulfilling our statutory obligations as an employer and providing better retirement protection for our employees.
At the same time, we are also honoured to receive the " MPF Support Award" in recognition of our efforts in providing at least 2 kinds of support services to our employees to help them manage their MPF during the award year.

Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022-2023 Gold Award

Wai Ji Christian Service received a Gold Award under the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022-2023, organised by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC). We embarked on re-constructing our website in 2020 not only facilitating everyone including disability groups, but also building an inclusive society.

Award of 10000 Hours for Volunteer Service 2019

Wai Ji Christian Service is awarded of the contribution of over 10,000 hours of volunteers service to the community in 2019.

2019 Seminar on Corporate Volunteering cum Award Presentation Ceremony

Organized by The Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service of Social Welfare Department, the 2019 Seminar on Corporate Volunteering cum Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 16th October 2019 at Auditorium of Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group Building in North Point. The ceremony is officiated by Mr. Lam Ka Tai, JP, Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Services). He encouraged institutions and companies to promote and participate in volunteer services.
Mr. Chan Kwok Ming, Michael, Supervisor of Wai Ji Christian Service represented our agency to receive the Award of 10000 Hours for Volunteer Service.

Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Community Services

The "Let's be Friends Forever Volunteer Service Project III" organized by our Bradbury Centre and Hostel at Tin King with the help of the Police Volunteer Services Corps and Immigration Department Volunteer Work Team was elected in the "Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Community Services Election 2017" of the Lions Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong and Macao, China. This highlighted the need for related parties to strengthen the work of publicizing services for people with disabilities so as to make Hong Kong a more inclusive society.
There were twenty groups participating in the service project. Altogether twenty-nine talks and workshops were held for the participating volunteers in 2016. After giving them some knowledge about people with intellectual disabilities, they were arranged to help in twenty-six programmes including hiking, visiting museums, flying kites, walking around the neighbourhood, barbecueing, etc. and develop a friendly relationship with people with intellectual disabilities by gradually increasing their interaction with them. The total attendance of the programmes in person-times was 2,451, of which 1,892 person-times were from volunteers and the remaining ones were from people with intellectual disabilities and their family members. For about half of the volunteers, it was the first time they had been in contact with people with intellectual disabilities.
At the heart of the service project was provision of opportunities for volunteers to have a first-person experience of building a true friendship with people with intellectual disabilities. During the course of building the friendship, they did not only discover that people with intellectual disabilities were valuable but also got a reassurance of the value of their own lives. Mr. Lam Hok Chim of the Police Volunteer Services Corps remarked, "This service project began as a child nurtured by Tin King Unit of Wai Ji and our team together. Now it has grown up, gathered a large number of people and gained support from the public. We are very proud of it."
In his congratulations to Tin King Unit on the award, Mr. Wong Kwai Pong of the Immigration Department Volunteer Work Team said, "Tin King Unit organizes various activities for people with intellectual disabilities under the theme of "living vibrantly and daring to try". These activities enable them to enjoy the same rights as others and lead a colourful life. I am just making my small contribution as a volunteer, hoping that my voluntary service can help to spread the message of social inclusion for people with disabilities. In fact, volunteers have their gains, as it is more blessed to give than to receive."
Mr. Chan Kam Fai, who was in charge of the service project, remarked, "We believe that everyone has their own worth. People with intellectual disabilities are no exception. They should be treated with attention and respect. They should be facilitated to integrate into the community. They can make valuable contributions to the society."