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Name: 《懷智樂齡科技康復服務應用分享集》 Year of Publication: 2024

Book Cover

This book shares our experience in implementing gerontechnology within rehabilitation services.


For more details, please refer to Chinese version.

Name: 《無障遊世界》Year of Publication: 2021


This book shares the stories and experiences of travelling with people with disabilities. 




For more details, please refer to Chinese version.


If you are interested in purchasing the book, please visit here.

Name: 《生命故事》Year of Publication: 2021


This book is a collection of service users and their families' stories written by United Christian College students. 


For more details, please refer to Chinese version.

Name: 《耆望》Year of Publication: 2019


This booklet shared the tips on physical fitness training for people with intellectual challenge.


For more details, please refer to Chinese version.

Name:《 智愛飛行 》 Year of Publication: 2019


This book is a collection of caregivers’ stories, volunteers’ voices and a wonderful review of the five-year services of “Cheer On” Parents and Relatives Resource Centre.


For more details, please refer to Chinese version.

Name: 《智愛同行》 Year of Publication: 2016

智愛同行 2016

The book shares the concept, content and journey of “Cheer On” Parents and Relatives Resource Centre. It also gathers the stories of the caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities.


For more details, please refer to Chinese version.

Name: 《智營食譜》 Year of Publication: 2015

智營食譜 2015

This recipe aims to share our experiences and ideas in promoting and creating a healthy eating environment for people with intellectual disabilities with the industry. In order to facilitate the caregivers to take care of the needs of people with intellectual disabilities more effectively, the recipes are arranged in five categories: “Low Fat”, “ Low Sodium”, “Antioxidant”, “High Calcium” and “High Fiber”.


For more details, please refer to Chinese version.