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Therapeutic groups are held for carers to help each other develop a positive attitude towards life and to strengthen their relationship with each other so as to enable mutual support among themselves.


The themes of these groups include positive psychology, emotional management, marriage and family, and life education. 



Group on Positive Psychology

Self Photos / Files - 正向小組 2

  • Introducing the Seven Tips for Happiness: Gratitude and Appreciation, Healthy Living, Respect and Enjoy Your Job, Employing Constructive Language, Acts of Kindness, Forgiveness, and Investing Time and Energy in Friends and Family
  • Helping participants to develop healthy habits and learn to look at things from a perspective of gratitude
  • Helping participants to face challenges in life and caregiving work with a positive attitude so as to make their lives pleasant and meaningful
 Name of group: A Journey into Positivity
Dates on which the group is held: To be decided
Duration: Two hours per session
Place: To be decided
No. of participants: 8-10
Fee: $20 each person




Group on Emotional Management

Self Photos / Files - 情緒管理小組 2

  • Helping the participants to understand emotions, notice emotions and learn the ways of changing emotions
  • Helping the participants to increase their positive emotions so as to make their lives more pleasant and enjoyable
  • Helping the participants to understand the connection between events, thoughts, emotions and behaviours
Name of group: The Key to Happiness
Dates on which the group is held: To be decided
Duration: Two hours per session
Place: To be decided
No. of participants: 8-10
Fee: $20 each person




Group on Family Relationships (Marital Relationship)

Self Photos / Files - 婚姻小組 1 (1)          Self Photos / Files - 婚姻小組 2

  • Increasing the participants’ understanding of themselves and their families of origin
  • Increasing the participants’ understanding of what a marriage is
  • Helping the participants to learn the essentials of a successful marriage and put them into practice
Name of group: Walking Together in Love
Dates on which the group is held: To be decided
Duration: Two hours per session
Place: To be decided
No. of participants: 8-10
Fee: $20 each person




Life Education Group

Self Photos / Files - 生命小組 2

  • Presenting the five stages of grief to the participants based on their sharings
  • Having the participants share their thoughts and feelings about death
  • Getting the participants to see the meaning of life with regard to death and live a meaningful life accordingly.
Name of group: A Whole Beautiful Life
Dates on which the group is held: To be decided
Duration: Two hours per session


To be decided

No. of participants: 8-10
Fee: $20 each person